Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Boys, Don't Fall in Love

According to www.worldometers.info, as I sit here and write this blog, there are approximately 7,209,487,885 in this world. Yes, that's over seven billion people. The gender ratio for the entire world (according to Wikipedia) is approximately 101 males to 100 females. So, for simplicity's sake, let's assume the ratio was exactly 100:100. As of now, there would be about 3,604,743,942 males, and 3,604,743,942 females. One male for every female.

However, there's a problem. Now most people would assume those statistics would be good news- after all, that's practically a perfect scenario for every person on this world to have a significant other.

So what's the problem?

Glad you asked. There are too many boys in this world. Now before you go back to reread all those statistics to make sure you read them correctly, let me explain.

I read a quote about a week ago that really smacked me in the face. Hard. In fact, it's practically the reason I'm writing this blog. The quote is as follows:

"A godly man must be faithful to his wife even though he does not have one yet." ~Dominic Russo

Smack. In that instant, I began to think about my future wife. I pictured this scene in my head. I imagined her upset, almost to the point of tears, and I felt.. guilty. It was nothing I had done to her, nothing I had said, not even something I didn't do. She was upset because of something I had done years before, back before we had even met. And even though she wasn't present during that part of my life, it hurt her. 

The wheels in my head started turning. I didn't have anything specific in my mind that I had 'done' in the scenario, so I wasn't focusing on doing, or not doing, anything specific. I had the realization that something I am doing today could affect my wife years down the road. My past, present, and future will define who I am when I'm older.

There are so many boys in this world who live for the moment. They sleep around with girls, they pick up a joint for a 30-minute buzz, they put the pedal to the medal and fly down the interstates at jaw-dropping speeds, the list goes on and on- you know what boys do. 

Boys are adventurous. It's our nature. We're wild at heart. There's something in a boy's heart that loves the thrill of action. However, there comes a time when we have to put aside those desires. There comes a point when a boy needs to become a man.

Boys, listen up. 

Lord willing, you will have a family someday. You'll grow up to have a beautiful wife, with little children holding onto your legs saying, "Daddy, don't go!" You'll hear your favorite sound as you pretend to be a big, scary tickle monster, chasing the little ones as they scream and giggle in anticipation. You'll come back from a long day of work, and even after working that 15 hour over time shift, you'll have a smile on your face because you see your little 2 year old standing at the door with a grin from ear to ear. You may not have the biggest house or the most expensive clothes, but you'll have a family. And in the end, that's all you'll ever need. 

You may not be in a relationship now, in fact you may be wondering if you'll ever be in a relationship, but don't lose sight of the future. Stop trying to hit on every girl you see, stop trying to get the attention of the new girl in town, stop even trying to get that girl's number. 

If you strive to be in a relationship, you will drown in your foolishness. Keep your focus on God, I promise He will lead you on the right path. After all, who knows our future better than the one who created it? We should not strive to be in a relationship, but rather we should be focusing on our relationship with God. The people around you? Make friends. Get to know them. Encourage them. When you take your focus off the wrong things and put it on the right things, you'll be surprised how many great people are around you. Cherish those people. Love them. Have an impact in their lives. And when the time comes, and God leads you to the girl of your dreams, you'll have a much greater foundation than you did before.

As you grow in your relationship with God, He will mold you into the husband he intended you to be. He will form you. He will teach you what it means to be devoted to another soul, without having you perform 'experiments' to figure it out.

And as for the girls who are reading this (yes, I know you're there..), I encourage the same for you. Strive for a man that will love you, encourage you, help you grow spiritually.. and most importantly a man that will raise your children. A man that your daughters will trust. A man that your sons will look up to. Imagine a man so focused on God that the only reason he looked up to see you was because he heard God say, "There she is.."